128 Italian Proverbs And Sayings to Inspire and Reflect

Welcome to a journey into the heart of Italian wisdom! In this post, we’ll explore simple yet profound Italian proverbs and sayings. Think of these proverbs and sayings as friendly nudges handed down through generations offering reflections on life in the most uncomplicated way possible.

Let’s dive into the essence of these age-old expressions and find inspiration in their straightforward charm. Ready to explore? Let’s begin!

Italian Proverbs and Sayings – Timeless Wisdom for Everyday Life

1. È meglio qualche cosa che niente.
Translation: Something is still better than nothing.

2. Far d’una mosca un elefante.
To make an elephant out of a fly. (The Italian version of making a mountain out of a molehill.)

3. Scusa non richiesta, accusa manifesta.
Translation: Unsolicited excuse, evident charge. (The Italian version of guilty conscience needs no accuser.)

4. Il buongiorno si vede dal mattino.
A good day starts in the morning.

5. Ride bene chi ride ultimo.
Who laughs last, laughs best.

6. Quando finisce la partita il re ed il pedone finiscono nella stessa scatola.
Translation: When you finish the game, the king and pawn end up in the same box.

7. Mangia bene, ridi spesso, ama molto.
Translation: Eat well, laugh often, love much.

Piazza dei Miracoli in Piza with La Fontana dei Putti and Leaning Tower / Italian Proverbs and Sayings

8. La galline fanno l’uova dal becco.
Translation: The hens lay eggs from their beak. (The Italian version of it’s by the head that the cow gives the milk. Meaning: giving too much in a relationship too fast.)

9. Ciò che è rimasto ha sapore più dolce.
Translation: The sweetest flesh is near the bones. (The Italian version of forbidden fruit is the sweetest.)

10. Ogni cosa si compra a prezzo.
Translation: Everything you buy at the price.

11. I fratelli uniti tra loro formano un fascio che pùo resistere agli sforzi più robusti.
Translation: The siblings joined together form a bundle that can withstand the most robust efforts. (The Italian version of: United we stand, divided we fall; Union is strength.)

12. Una cena senza vino è come un giorno senza sole.
Translation: A meal without wine is a day without sunshine.

13. Senza tentazioni, senza onore.
Translation: Without temptation, without honor. (Italian version of: Where there is no temptation there is no glory.)

14. Il mattino ha l’Oro in bocca.
The early bird catches the worm.

15. Fuggi il piacer presente, che accena dolor futuro.
Translation: Skip the enjoyment that you will regret.

16. Nessuna nuova, buona nuova.
No news is good news.

Side Street in the Historic Center of Naples / Italian Proverbs and Sayings

17. L’abito non fa il monaco.
Translation: Clothes don’t make a man. (The Italian version of not judging a book by its cover.)

18. Il riso fa buon sangue.
Translation: Laughter makes good blood. (The Italian version of laughter is the best medicine.)

19. Chi fa falla, e chi non fa sfarfalla.
Translation: Those who act, make mistakes; and those who do nothing blunder.

20. Meglio un uovo oggi che una gallina domani.
Translation: Better an egg today than a hen tomorrow. (The Italian version of a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.)

21. Non c´è rosa senza spine.
Translation: No rose without a thorn.

22. Chi fa da sé, fa per tre.
Translation: Who does it by itself does it for three people. (The Italian version of do it yourself if you want it done right.

23. A caval donato non si guarda in bocca.
Translation: Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth.

24. La vita è come una fotografia. Se sorridi, viene meglio.
Translation: Life is like a photograph. If you smile, it’s better.

Vernazza at Sunset, Cinque Terre / Italian Proverbs and Sayings

25. La dolce far niente.
Translation: The sweetness of doing nothing.

26. O mangiar questa minestra o saltar questa finestra.
Translation: Either eat this soup or jump out of this window. (The Italian version of take it or leave it.)

27. Meglio solo che male accompagnato.
Translation: Better alone than in bad company.

28. Sputa il rospo.
Translation: Spit the toad. (Meaning: Speak up.)

29. L’amore è cieco.
Translation: Love is blind.

30. Aiutati che Dio ti aiuta.
Translation: Help yourself and God helps you.

31. Chi cerca mal, mal trova.
Translation: He who looks for evil generally finds it.

32. Quando l’amico chiede, non v’è domani.
Translation: When a friend asks, there is no tomorrow.

Villa del Balbianello on Lake Como / Italian Proverbs and Sayings

33. Tra il dire e il fare c´è di mezzo il mare.
Translation: There’s a sea between saying and doing. (The Italian version of: Easier said than done.

34. Il lupo perde il pelo ma non il vizio.
Translation: The wolf loses the hair but not the vice. (The Italian version of old habits die hard.)

35. Ne ammazza più la gola che la spada.
Translation: Gluttony kills more than the sword.

36. Chi due lepri caccia, l’una non piglia e l’altra lascia.
Translation: Grasp all, lose all.

37. La gatta frettolosa fece i gattini ciechi.
Translation: The hasty cat had blind kittens. (Meaning: things done in a rush often have an incomplete outcome.)

38. Chi non è meco, è contro a meco.
Translation: He who is not with me is against me.

39. Belle parole non pascon i gatti.
Translation: Fine words don’t feed cats.

40. L’amore vince sempre.
Translation: Love conquers all.

Piazza della Signoria in Florence at Sunrise / Italian Proverbs and Sayings

41. Chi dorme non piglia pesci.
Translation: He who sleeps doesn’t catch fish. (The Italian version of the early bird catches the worm.)

42. Buon seme dà buoni frutti.
Translation: A good seed makes good fruit.

43. O la va, O la spacca.
Translation: All or Nothing.

44. Danari fanno danari.
Translation: Money makes money.

45. l’erba del vicino è sempre più verde.
Translation: The grass is always greener on the other side.

46. Bella cosa tosto è rapita.
Translation: A pretty thing is soon taken.

47. La buona moglie fa il buon marito.
Translation: A good wife makes a good husband.

48. Uomo avvisato, mezzo salvato.
Translation: Man warned half saved. (The Italian version of: Forewarned is forearmed.)

Sienna, Italy / Italian Proverbs and Sayings

49. La famiglia è la patria del cuore.
Translation: Family is the heartland of your heart.

50. Chi niente sa, di niente dubita.
Translation: Who knows nothing, doubts nothing.

51. A chi fa male, mai mancano scuse. 
Translation: He who does evil, is never short of an excuse.

52. La vita è un sogno.
Translation: Life is a dream.

53. Una buona mamma vale cento maestre.
Translation: A good mother is worth a hundred teachers.

54. Chi non fa, non falla.
Translation: Those who do nothing make no mistakes.

55. L’ozio è il padre di tutti i vizi.
Translation: Idleness is the father of all vices.

56. Quando a Roma vai, fai come vedrai.
Translation: When in Rome, do as the Romans.

Interior View of the Roman Coliseum / Italian Proverbs and Sayings

57. Chi molto pratica, molto impara.
Translation: Practice makes perfect.

58. Del male non fare e paura non avere.
Translation: Do no evil and have no fear.

59. La donna è mobile.
Translation: Woman is a fickle thing.

60. Chi be vive, ben muore.
Translation: A good life makes an easy death.

61. Detto fatto.
Translation: No sooner said, than done.

62. Dove l’oro parla, ogni lingua tace.
Translation: Where gold speaks, every tongue is silent.

Cathedral Santa Maria del Fiore in Florence at Night / Italian Proverbs and Sayings

63. Che sarà sarà.
Translation: What is to be, will be.

64. Tutto è bene ciò che finisce bene.
Translation: All is well that ends well.

65. Sano come un pesce.
As healthy as a fish.

66. Non avere peli sulla lingua.
Translation: Not to have hair on your tongue. (Meaning: To speak one’s mind.)

67. Vedi Napoli e poi mori.
Translation: See Naples, and then die!

Naples at Sunrise / Italian Proverbs and Sayings

68. Finchè c’è vita c’è speranza.
Translation: Where there’s life, there’s hope.

69. La povertà è la madre di tutte le arti.
Translation: Necessity is the mother of invention.

70. Traduttore, traditore.
Translation: Translator, traitor. (Meaning: translation is always a betrayal of the true meaning of the original.)

71. In bocca al lupo!
Translation: Into the mouth of the wolf! (Meaning: Good luck!)

72. Tempo al tempo.
Translation: All in good time.

73. Tutte le strade conducono a Roma.
Translation: All roads lead to Rome.

74. Breve orazione penetra.
Translation: God listens to short prayers.

75. Mal comune, mezzo gaudio.
Translation: A shared trouble is half joy.

76. Meglio tardi che mai.
Translation: Better late than never.

Roman Coliseum / Italian Proverbs and

77. Rosso di sera, bel tempo si spera.
Translation: Red sky in the evening, one hopes for good weather.

78. Val più la pratica della grammatica.
Translation: Experience is more important than theory.

79. Se puoi sognarlo, puoi farlo.
Translation: If you can dream it, you can do it.

80. Tutto è bene ciò che finisce bene.
Translation: All is well that ends well.

81. Tutto ciò di cui hai bisogno è l’amore.
Translation: All you need is love.

82. Cavallo che corre non ha bisogno di sproni.
Translation: Do not spur the willing horse.

83. Quel ch’è fatto, è fatto.
Translation: What is done is done.

St. Peter’s Basilica at Sunset / Italian Proverbs and Sayings

84. Amor non conosce travaglio.
Translation: Amor knows no labor. (The Italian version of: Love never tires.)

85. Se obbedisci alle regole, ti perdi tutto il divertimento.
Translation: If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun.

86. A ogni uccello il suo nido è bello.
Every bird finds its own nest beautiful.

87. Che palle!
Translation: What balls!

88. Tempo al tempo.
Translation: Time to time. (The Italian version of: All in good time.)

89. A tavola non si invecchia.
Translation: At the table, you don’t get old.

90. Necessità non ha legge.
Translation: Necessity knows no law.

Rio di Ca’Foscari, Venice / Italian Proverbs and Sayings

91. Ogni pazzo vuol dar consiglio.
Translation: Every fool is ready with advice.

92. Meglio un giorno da leone che cento da pecora.
Translation: Better one day as a lion than a hundred as a sheep.

93. Buono come il pane.
Translation: Good as bread. (Meaning: A really good person.)

94. È il mio cavallo di battaglia
Translation: It’s my battle horse. (Meaning: It’s my forte.)

95. Acqua in bocca!
Translation: Keep the water in your mouth! (Meaning: Keep it to yourself.)

96. Prendere un granchio.
Translation: To catch a crab. (Meaning: To make a mistake.)

97. Il vero segno dell’intelligenza non è la conoscenza, ma l’immaginazione.
Translation: The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination.

98. Vivi e lascia vivere.
Translation: Live and let live.

Duomo di Milano / Italian Proverbs and Sayings

99. Minestra riscaldata.
Translated: Reheated soup. (Meaning: Same old story.)

100. Diciamo pane al pane e vino al vino.
Translation: Let’s say bread for bread and wine for wine. (Meaning: Let’s call a spade a spade.)

101. Dai nemici mi guardo io, dagli amici mi guardi Iddio!
I will protect myself from my enemies, may God protect me from my friends.

102. ’Chi si volta, e chi si gira, sempre a casa va finire.
Translation: No matter where you go or turn, you’ll always end up at home.

103. Fa quello che ami.
Translation: Do what you love.

104. Niente che valga la pena di avere è facile.
Translation: Nothing worth having comes easy.

105. Amor senza baruffa fa la muffa.
Translation: Love without quarrels gets mold.

Rio Di San Trovaso, Venice / Italian Proverbs and Sayings

106. Tutto fa brodo.
Translation: Everything makes soup. (Meaning: Every little bit helps.)

107. Qualcosa bolle in pentola.
Translation: Something boils in a saucepan. (Meaning: Something‘s up.)

108. Avere le mani in pasta.
Translation: To have your hands in the dough. (Meaning: to have a finger in many pies.)

109. Il meglio deve ancora venire.
Translation: The best is yet to come.

110. Cercare i peli nell’uovo.
Translation: To look for hairs in the egg. Meaning: to be picky.

111. Ogni muro è una porta.
Translation: Every wall is a door.

112. Non rimpiangere mai ciò che ti ha fatto sorridere.
Translation: Never regret anything that made you smile.

Sunset on Canal Grande, Venice / Italian Proverbs and Sayings

113. Tale madre, tale figlia./ Tale padre, tale figlio.
Translation: Like mother, like daughter./ Like father, like son.

114. Ogni cosa ha cagione.
Translation: Everything has a reason.

115. Spazzatoio nuovo spazza ben la casa.
Translation:A new broom sweeps well the house.

116. Piove sul bagnato.
Translation: It rains on the ground. (The Italian version of when it rains, it pours.)

117. Noi non potremo avere perfetta vita senza amici.
Translation: We can’t have a perfect life without friends.

118. Tanto va la gatta al lardo che ci lascia lo zampino.
Translation: The cat goes to the lard so much that it leaves its paw. (Italian version of curiosity killed the cat.)

119. Chiodo scaccia chiodo.
Translation: A nail drives out another nail. (Meaning: You will get over it.)

120. Parla bene, ma parla poco.
Translation: Speak well, but speak little.

Rio De Sant’Alvise in Venice at Sunset / Italian Proverbs and Sayings

121. Amor tutti fa uguali.
Translation: Love makes all men equal.

122. Cavolo!
Translation: Cabbage! (Meaning: Darn!)

123. Mal comune, mezzo gaudio.
Translation: Common bad, half rejoice. (The Italian version of misery does love company.)

124. Non dire gatto se non ce l’hai nel sacco.
Translation: Don’t say cat if you don’t have it in your bag. (Italian version of don’t count your chickens before they are hatched.)

125. Morto un papa, se ne fa un altro.
Translation: If one pope dies, another will be elected. (Italian version of there are plenty more fish in the sea.)

126. Conosco i miei polli.
Translation: I know my chickens. (Meaning: I know what I’m talking about.)

127. Fa un freddo cane!
Translation: It‘s dog cold! (Meaning: It’s so damn cold!)

128. Cane non mangia cane.
Dog does not eat dog. (Meaning: There is honor among thieves.)

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